After CU 11 you need to:
Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Company.
Click on “Options” to open the “Company Setup Options” window
Note that you need to enable Change Tracking for all DBs and the Dynamics DB as well.
1) First, I would remove the integrated applications in QB (Edit--Preferences--Integrated applications--Company tab). Highlight the two and remove.
2) Next, I would delete the ExactRM user in QB
3) Then remove the QBFC 11 from Control Panel--Uninstall Program
4) Rename the ExactMAXQB.xml.
5) Make sure all users are out of MAX and QB.
6) Go to Finance--Financial Integration--Options--Integration Setup. Click on config editor button
7) Make a print screen of the current integration setup and then remove it.
8) Add a new integration. Make sure you select the correct version of QB.
9) Follow the wizard to complete the integration setup.
1. To clear up the Invoice Edit list - Set INVCE_27 to “Y” or …
a. Stop shipping
b. Have them post all sales orders that they want to actually go through
c. Turn off the integration with Great Plains
d. Post all remaining orders
e. Turn on the integration with Great Plains
f. Resume shipping
2. To remove all unposted PO receipts - Done
a. Using SQL, change the value of the MARK_55 field on all PO Receipt records with a transaction date prior to (date) and a value of ‘N’ to ‘P’
3. To close Completed Shop orders
a. Close all the shop orders
b. Stop all Max transactions
c. Run the From/To report selecting their standard options
d. Using SQL, go into the order master and change all shop orders with a status of ‘4’ to ‘5’
e. Rerun the From/To report selecting their standard options again
f. Allow Max transactions to continue
In some cases setting the database Parameterization setting may increase performance of MRP Explosion and other sizable batch processes. Testing this in your test environment is definitely recommended. Change this setting under options in your SQL database and benchmark the change in processing time.
SO_Master SM
inner join Customer_Master CM on SM.CUSTID_27 = CM.CUSTID_23
WHERE – Add anything here that you need to select the proper record set.