Always use caution when editing live tables in MAX.
On occasion a hard closure of MAX or a dropped connection can cause MAX to retain the user in the ERMUD table which is in the EXACTMAX master database. You can query the ERMUD table and review the details to see which users are stuck.
MachineName ExactRMUser CompanyName AppID
STEF277301-02 MANAGER MAX Sample DB 8
STEF277301-02 MANAGER MAX Sample DB 512
MAX Also has an associated App ID.
You can query the table :
You can delete stuck users by executing:
DELETE FROM ERMUD WHERE ExactRMUser = ‘Type the Login Name’ and CompanyName = ‘Type the Company Name’
As well you can use this handy Script to check to see who is in what module:
-- Get the Logged in Users and the Core Modules they are in
/* 10/2/2014 - Authored: Vincent Stefanetti */
/* Notes: System Manager = 512, Advanced Shipping = None, SOP = 1, Warranty = 2048, BOM = 4, ECO = None, Feature Opton = None, Advanced Shipping = None,
INV = 8, MPS = 128, MRP = 16, PUR = 2, pim = 8192, labor tracking = 16384, SFC = 64, Costing = 256, FIM = 32, EDI = 32768, TnxLoad = 1024
Archive = None, User Designed Fields = None
USE ExactMAX -- OR enter your DB name here
select SQ.hostname as sql_hostname, MX.MachineName, MX.ExactRMUser, MX.CompanyName, MX.Module
from [master].[sys].[sysprocesses] AS sq
(SELECT MachineName, ExactRMUser, CompanyName,
WHEN AppID = '512' THEN 'System Manager'
WHEN AppID = '1' THEN 'Sales Order Processing'
WHEN AppID = '2' THEN 'Purchasing'
WHEN AppID = '4' THEN 'Bills of Materials'
WHEN AppID = '8' THEN 'Inventory Control'
WHEN AppID = '16' THEN 'MRP'
WHEN AppID = '32' THEN 'Financial Integration'
WHEN AppID = '64' THEN 'Shop Floor Control'
WHEN AppID = '128' THEN 'Master Scheduling'
WHEN AppID = '256' THEN 'Costing'
WHEN AppID = '1024' THEN 'Transaction Load'
WHEN AppID = '2048' THEN 'Warranty Tracking'
WHEN AppID = '8192' THEN 'Physical Inventory'
WHEN AppID = '16384' THEN 'Labor Tracking'
WHEN AppID = '32768' THEN 'Physical Inventory'
else ''
END AS 'Module'
ON sq.hostname = mx.MachineName
where hostname <> ''
group by SQ.hostname, MX.MachineName, MX.ExactRMUser, MX.CompanyName, MX.Module
Vince Stefanetti
Senior Consultant
Exact Software North America - Exact MAX
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